CAS PS 241 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Language Acquisition Device, Syntactic Bootstrapping, Slow-Wave Sleep

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Predicts health- screening tool to know if baby needs extra monitoring. The apgar test is usually given to a baby twice: once at 1 minute after birth, and again at 5 minutes after birth. Stroke cheek near the corner of the mouth. Function sucking and search reflexes- helps a breastfed baby find the mothers nipple- when it is hungry or when it is touched by another person. to facilitate voluntary grasping (palm) grabs the finger plantar grasp. Occurs when infant is face down in a pool of water doggie paddle when they are placed in water. Occurs when feet are dangling in the air, or touching the wall etc. or hold infant under arms and permit bare feet to touch a flat surface. They engage in this (alternating leg movements) because it is easier than other movement patterns. Infants who gain weight initially- harder to hold up chubby legs- quickly sustained.