CAS PS 251 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Heinz Kohut, Narcissistic Rage And Narcissistic Injury, Margaret Mahler

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Document Summary

Object constancy: hatching, individuation, practicing, rapprochement (0 - 4 weeks) Disturbance thought to lead to psychosis (3-4 weeks - 4-5 months) Symbiotic relationships happens when parent and child need each other. Awareness of a caretaker develop, but acts as if self and caretaker are part of single system. Not self - aware that someone is a caretaker and not you, but you still believe you are in a single system, not separate yet. Achievements that mark the child"s assumption of his/her own individuality. Separation and individuation are two sides to the same coin. The child"s emergence from a symbiotic fusion with his/her mother. Differentiation between mother & infants does not yet exist. Real physical separation help facilitate this process to a certain degree. Parents who are inconsistent cause issues with children"s development. Heinz kohut 4 types of injuries: fragmenting self, over-burdened self, over- stimulated self, under- stimulated self.