CAS PS 251 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Joseph Breuer, Freud'S Seduction Theory, Nancy School

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Displacement: forwarding emotions you have toward a specific source onto another. Unconscious, replaced by non-conscious in last 10 yrs or so. Freud believe there were unconscious or unseen motives behind everyday actions. Freud tried to explain illogical and accidental behaviors. Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theories: emphasis on early experiences, conscious & unconscious parts of the mind, drive theory (instinct sex&aggression) Drive conflict: personality development is primarily unconscious (beyond awareness and heavily influenced by emotions) Freud: first 12 yrs of life are most important v. erikson: important changes happen equally through out life. Psychic determinism: all illogical behaviors have some kind of meaning behind them, mind is active constantly seeking expression in one way or another. Freud recognized that techniques to treat mentally ill were not working. Hypothalamus in athletes were messing with o2 flow through the body and causing pain. Freud noticed that when people were allowed to talk ab problems they starting to feel better once they got it out.