CAS PS 261 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stereotype Threat, Implicit Cognition, Coloureds

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As always, this is not a completely comprehensive list and you are responsible for all material covered in lecture, discussion, and in the corresponding book chapters in the textbook. However, this study guide is designed to highlight the key concepts and serve as a jumping off point for studying. Group processes (chapter 8) v group- two or more people who interact and are interdependent v social facilitation: study: norman triplett (1898) children winding up fishing line. Saw that the the fastest was actual races, followed up paced races against time and unpaced races against time. Suggests that people have an affect on speed. Asked children to wind up fishing line on a reel either by themselves or in the presences of others. Time was faster with people because competition stimulated and energized to do better. It is easier to do something that is simple with others but harder to do something complex and learn something new.