CAS PS 261 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fundamental Attribution Error, Counterfactual Thinking, American Psychological Association

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Such distortions are more spins on the facts than they are total delusions: suffering and self justification, self justification for certain situations (initiation)- justify to avoid feeling foolish. Accessibility and priming: accessibility- extent to which schemas and concepts are at the forefront of your mind. Could affect your impression of an ambiguous stimulus: schema accessibility may be chronic or temporary, priming- temporary accessibility increases when it is related to a current goal or because of recent experiences. Schemas must be both accessible and applicable in order to act as primes. The power of unconscious thinking: unconscious thinking is critical to navigating our way through the social world, in some cases our unconscious minds can do better at some tasks than our conscious minds. Makes it hard to interpret expression accurately: suppressing emotions also makes it hard. Men, however, are better at detecting lies: social role theory- sex differences in social behavior are due to society"s division of labor between sexes.