CAS PS 371 Study Guide - Final Guide: Night Terror, Binge Eating Disorder, Sexual Fetishism

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Nightmare disorder sleep terror disorder sleep walking disorder. 60 multiple choice, read the book and do the slides. Masters and johnso relate to states in the sexual response cycle. Orgasmic reconditioning, covert sensitization, the 2 pathways to subs new disorder there that didnt involve injesting a psychoactive substance- gambling. Diagnositc criteria for substan substance use disorder that hadnt been in dsm-4. Females only, involunrrary pelvic spasms, feelings of ripping, burning, or tearing. Marked by pain during intercourse, adequate sexual desire, arousal, orgasm. Factors that contribute to fearing about performance during sex include: religion, phsychosexual trauma, being dru. Positive attitude, being attracted to their partner. anxiety about performance, poor self esteem, uncomfortable environment, negative thoughts. Exercise, good physical health smoking, alcohol, ssri"s, biological-- physical disease, medical illness, presciption medications. positive experiences in the past, good relationship with partner. A history of hurried sex, long periods of abstinence, rape, sexual assault. arousal, cognitive processes, negative affect.