SMG MK 323 Study Guide - Final Guide: Integrated Marketing Communications, Mk12, Structure Mining

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MK12 Integrated Marketing Communications I
CH 18
What is IMC?
Integrated Marketing Communications: concept of designing marketing activities -
advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, PR, online and social media - in
combination to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact
Communicating with Consumers: The Communication Process
Sender: where the message originates from
Transmitter: the marketing department or external agency receives the information and
transforms it for use
Encoding: converting the sender’s ideas into a message which could be used visual,
Communication channel: the medium - print, broadcast, the internet, carries message
Receiver: person who reads, hears or see and process the information contained in the
message and or advertisement
Decoding: process by which the receiver interprets the senders message
Noise: interference that stems from competing messages, a lack of clarity in the
message, flaw in the medium problem for all communication channels
Feedback loop: allows the receiver to communicate with the sender and informs the
sender whether the message was received and decoded properly
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Elements of an IMC Strategy
What is Advertising?
The most visible element of IMC
Extremely effective at creating awareness and generating interest
Placement of announcements and persuasive messages to inform and persuade
members of a particular target market or audience about their products
Paid form of communication delivered through media from an identifiable source about a
product etc. to persuade the receiver to take some action now or in the future
What is Personal selling?
Communication between buyer and seller to influence buyer’s purchase decision; can
take place face to face, video, telephone, internet
More expensive than other forms of promotion
Sales people can add significant value, which makes the expense worth it
What are Sales Promotions?
Can be aimed at both end user consumers or channel members can be used as part of
push or pull strategies
Used in conjunction with other forms of IMC
Can be used for short term and long term objectives
Special incentives or excitement building programs that encourage purchase
Examples of Sales Promotions (coupons, rebates, contests, free samples)
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What is Public Relations?
Free media attention
Importance of PR has grown as the cost of other media has increased
Consumers becoming more skeptical about marketing, PR becoming more important
Manages the firm’s communications; building and maintaining a positive image, handling
or heading off unfavorable stories and maintaining positive relationships with the media
What is Direct Marketing?
Growing element of IMC
Good for niche markets
Database mining
Marketing that communicates directly with target customers to generate or response or
transaction - includes email and mobile commerce
What is Online Marketing?
Websites, blogs, social media
Use websites to build brand image and educate customers about products and where
they can be purchased
Social Media: content distributed through online and mobile technologies to facilitate
interpersonal interactions
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Document Summary

Integrated marketing communications : concept of designing marketing activities - advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, pr, online and social media - in combination to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communicative impact. Communicating with consumers: the communication process transforms it for use verbal. Transmitter : the marketing department or external agency receives the information and. Encoding: converting the sender"s ideas into a message which could be used visual, Communication channel : the medium - print, broadcast, the internet, carries message. Receiver : person who reads, hears or see and process the information contained in the. Decoding : process by which the receiver interprets the senders message. Noise: interference that stems from competing messages, a lack of clarity in the. Feedback loop : allows the receiver to communicate with the sender and informs the message, flaw in the medium problem for all communication channels message and or advertisement sender whether the message was received and decoded properly.