SMG MK 323 Study Guide - Final Guide: Puffery, Consumer Protection, Public Service Announcement

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Large type in an ad that is designed to draw attention. Short, simple: contain and action verb and give enough information for learning even if only this is read. Smaller headline, provides more information about the product it is selling: body copy, represents the main text portion of the ad, provides enough information to move the target consumer to action, arouses desire for the product, brand element. Identify the sponsor of the ad, typically though logo or selling proposition. Presenting (before: refers to assessments performed before an ad campaign is implemented to ensure that the carious elements are working in an integrated fashion and doing what they are intended to do. Tracking (during: monitoring key indicators, such as daily or weekly sales problem with the message. Post testing (after: evaluation of the campaign"s impact after it has been implemented, assess the sales and/or communication impact of the advertisement or campaign.