CAS PS 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Normal Distribution

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CAS PS 101 Full Course Notes
CAS PS 101 Full Course Notes
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Methodology and statistics: methodology, de nition - methodology simply refers to the methods we use to conduct an investigation, systematic research - research in psychology is not haphazard. Following the basic principles of science there is some systematic way all research is conducted. You simply observe the behavior in its natural environment. Rst step to allow you to get a better understanding of the behavior which allows further, more in-depth investigation: case study - this is the gathering of detailed information on a speci c individual. They are only accurate, however, if the people surveys are representative of the population as a whole: correlations - this investigates the degree of relatedness between two variables. A positive correlation indicates that a high score on one variable is associated with a high score on the other variable. For example, height and weight are positively correlated. As you get taller you tend to weigh more.