CGS SS 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Indium, Classical Liberalism, Proletariat

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Finance capital: generated from stocks, bonds, and banks. Say"s law of the market: elevator diagram, when elevator gets stuck you must have government intervention to restimulate, should create jobs so people have money to spend and increase demand. Keyne"s circular flow of the market: diagram. Fdr: government was historically democratic, indium responsible for own success, didn"t appeal to germans because they needed support for success, well being is responsible for caring for citizens, americans needed to help themselves. Fascism: reaction against socialism and communism, drew on socialism because it promotes the power of self interest, socialism is more in nazi idealism the facism, extreme nationalism, italians were superior privatization. Iv. no restriction of government: meant to attract investment, not gonna invest if government is involved. Stiglets: terrorism is attempt to keep culture in time of rapid social change, want to preserve connections in anyway possible, dispositional terrorism (micro, individual decision, contextual terrorism (macro)