[BIOL 0510] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (141 pages long!)

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1900: major causes of death is flu, pneumonia, tb, gastroenteritis, infant diseases, diphtheria in top 10. 2000: only influenza and pneumonia (and cancer) in top 10 impact of microbiology on everyday life o disease identify new disease treatment, cure, prevention ex. Zika virus: discovered 1947 in uganda, recent outbreak in brazil (causes microcephaly) o agriculture. N2 fixation nutrient cycling animal husbandry microbes in cows" stomachs that break down nutrients from cellulose. Biosphere 2: self-contained artificial enclosed ecological system ex. Biosphere 2: self-contained artificial enclosed ecological system but oxygen levels decreased suspicion arose that major part of the loss was due to microbes bacteria/overactive microbes consumed most of the oxygen in the enclosed system. Co2 was absorbed by the concrete, interrupted normal natural recycling of co2 by plants into o2 levels decreased history of microbiology o. Robert hooke described fruiting bodies of molds in 1664 using a primitive microscope (couldn"t see single cells) o.