PHIL 231 Study Guide - Final Guide: Theism, Materialism, Consequentialism

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Phil 231 final exam review (value vs normative theory) Value = socrates & epicurus; normative = everyone else. Compare different philosophers, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics: socrates how do i develop my character? . Elenchus: socratic method, used in cross-examination in euthyphro, what is (virtue, piety, justice)? , everybody"s answers fail because they only give examples of the word and not its meaning. Socratic ignorance: socrates believes that he knows very little and nothing of philosophical importance (he doesn"t know what the gods know). Aporia: confusion, uncertainty, how socratic dialogues usually end like in the. Atheist), 2nd stage: defense by cross-examination (meletus, the few vs the many corrupting the youth, harm argument, theism argument), 3rd stage: defense by revealing. Who he really is (who he is is inconsistent with the charges against him, he is simply doing his duty to make athens better by giving them virtue). Virtue: should be the highest priority in one"s moral life (value theory).