CHEM 103 Study Guide - Final Guide: Significand, Metric System, Scientific Notation

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Chem 103 lecture notes: jim deavor, spring 2019. Lecture 9: naming ions and ionic compounds. To write a number in scientific notation, adjust the significand to a single number 1-9, and count the number of decimal places moved. If original number is greater than one, exponent is positive. If the original number is less than one, the exponent is negative. Sign in front of a number never changes. When you multiply exponentials, you add the exponents. When you divide the exponentials, you subtract the exponents. Ignore the exponents and do the numbers first. A measured quantity must always include a unit. English system uses things like foot, gallon, pound, etc. not convenient. Metric system uses things like meter, kilogram, etc. International system of units = si units. Mass: measure of matter in an object or sample. O c = ( o f - 32) x (5/9) Lowest possible temperature = 0 k (absolute zero)