MKTG 320 Study Guide - Final Guide: Binary Opposition, Eye Tracking, Mystery Shopping

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23 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Observation research: systematic process of recording patterns of occurrences or behaviors without normally communicating with the people involved. Needed info must either be observable or inferable from behavior that is observable. Behavior of interest must be repetitive, frequent or in some manner predictable. Disadv: only behavior and personal characteristics can be examined. Time-consuming and costly: explore types of human research. Ethnographic research: study of human behavior in its natural context, involving observation of behavior and physical setting. Anthropologists use a construct called a binary opposition. Triangulation: process of checking findings against what other people say and against similar research already conducted way to verify accuracy of collected data. Ethnography good for exploratory research at beginning of innovation process. Mystery shoppers- 4 levels: phone call, visits a place and makes quick purchase, mystery shopper utilizes script, usually no actual purchase, vist with lots of communication usually used for things like loans or cars.