PHYS 204A Midterm: PHYS 204A Chico State Exam 1 Fall 15

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Circle your lab: tu 12:20 tu 1:25 tu 2:30 tu 3:35 w 12:20 w 1:25 w 2:30 w 3:35. Cs 1110 prelim 1 march 7th, 2013 solutions: when allowed to begin, write your last name, rst name, and cornell netid at the top of each page, and circle your lab time on the top of this page. Every time a student doesn"t do this, somewhere, a kitten weeps. More seriously, we did have an exam come apart during grading, so it is actually important to write your name on each page. In your answer, each letter should occur exactly once. F/h reference to an attribute of an object. A month_names = ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", """return the date and time in the object , in the format. Mar 7, 2013 19:30:00 if the boolean is true, the time is given in 12-hour format with am or pm appended.