PSYCH 2010- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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Not all clinical, wasn"t a study of mental illness until 60 years after start. Empiricism: conclusions should be based on systematic, direct observation skepticism. Introspection: careful systematic observations of ones own experience. Stream of consciousness = continuous flow of thought. Behavior in influenced by the unconscious (outside awareness) Freud "internal conflicts control behavior", unconscious not all bad. Lot of resistance, no scientific basis and too out there (sex, ect. ) Mainstream validated some of ideas: behaviorism (1950-60s) No free will, everything we do based on environment: humanism (1950s) Optimistic about human nature: cognitive psychology (1950s) Study of thoughts and mental processes, conscious experience. Learning: any relative durable change in behavior or knowledge from experience. Cant be in one ear out the other, has to stick with you. Classical: learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus.