[HES 145] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (28 pages long!)

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The kind of place you put yourself into. The concept of wellness includes viability in seven interrelated dimensions, all of which contribute to overall wellness. A disease that is communicable from one person to another. A disease that develops and continues over a long period of time. We have some control with lifestyle choices. Health promotion for every stage of life. Acces yourself mkohealth issues for diverse populations. Examine the pros and cons of change. Identify and overcome key barriers to change. Give yourself credit for the progress you have already made. Return to a previous stage of the behavior change process if needed. Reevaluate your goals and strategy if necessary. Developing skills for change: creating a personalized plan. Choice of techniques and level of effort. Maintaining good health is an ongoing process. Keep informed about the latest health news. There are some things you can"t completely control. Be active in promoting healthy lifestyles and environmental choices in others.