CHM 315 Midterm: CHEM 315 Cal Poly Panoma 315 fin sum 03

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

C a lifo rnia sta te po lyte c hnic unive rsity, po m o na. Exa m po ints: nomenclature (1, relative order of reactivity, reactions page, using reactions learned thus far (30, mechanism in acid and in base, tautomers (in acid and in base), drawing additional. Tautomer structures: 14c synthesis, sn1/e1 and sn2/e2 reactions. Pushing, carbocations, rearrangements: alkene reactions (regioselect. , stereoselect. ) It has been designed so that no one question will make or break you. The best strategy is to work steadily, starting with those problems you understand best. Make sure you show all of your work. Draw in any lone pairs of electrons, formal charge and curved arrows to show electron movement. Only write answers on the front of each page. Do your best to show me what you know in the time available. Discovering consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.