PHL 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cosmological Argument, Teleological Argument, Ontological Argument

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5 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Problems with a priori and a posteriori arguments. A posteriori - based on experience, is probabilistic a priori - pure reason lol. Problems with authentication and reliability (e. g. genealogies of jesus) Discrepancy between matthew and luke, cannot authenticate the correct book, and is unreliable. St. augustine - faith precedes reason, sin has clouded reason, free will defense. Thomas aquinas - cosmological argument (a posteriori), the five ways. A posteriori arguments for the existence of god: cosmological argument (thomas aquinas) - probabilistic. Existence is a predicate (attribute: kant attacks the argument on these two points. Existence is not a predicate: moral argument (kant) There is an objective moral law - absolute law requires an absolute law giver; god: it is universal, but is misapprehended and misappropriated (this accounts for cultural differences). Five ways of thomas aquinas (three of the five: argument from motion. Whatever is moved must be moved by another (prime mover: god)