GEOG 1992 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Knot Theory, Dialectic, Intersectionality

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Culture: a shared set of meanings that is lived through the material and symbolic practices of everyday life. Cultural geography: the way space, place and landscape shape culture at the same time that culture shapes space, place and landscape. Popular culture: the practices and meaning systems produced by large groups of people whose norms and tastes are often the same and change frequently, often in response to commercial products. Folk culture: traditional practices of small groups especially rural people with simple lifestyles. Cultural landscape: a characteristic and tangible outcome of the complex interactions between a human group - with its own practices, preferences, values, and aspirations - and its natural environment. Cultural complex: the combination of traits characteristics of a particular group. Rite of passage: acts, customs, practices or procedures that recognize key transitions in human life - birth, menstruation and other markers of adulthood such as sexual awakening and marriage.