PSCI 3123 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Militarized Interstate Dispute, Leviathan, Group Decision-Making

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War, peace, and strategic defense midterm study guide. An event between opposing groups that takes place over a period of time and includes large scale violence, militarization, and upwards of 1000 casualties. Different then militarized interstate dispute which is an event that appears to be war, but does not meet the general 1000 casualty threshold. Interstate vs. intrastate: interstate war is international; between two opposing states, intrastate/ domestic war is war between groups within a state (i. e. civil war). Causes of war: territory (most common), government control, ethnicity, religion, ideology. More powerful countries are the most war prone. Being a major power (i. e. u. k. , u. s. , etc. One country supporting an internal organization of another. Countries that spend a lot on military and have means of transporting it. The world has actually become more peaceful. We are currently living in the most peaceful time in human history.