PSYC 2606- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 31 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Internal dynamics and individual differences: sigmund freud- early childhood experiences shape us and haunt us for the rest of our lives, abraham maslow- challenged freud, thought he studied only sick broken people. Maslow wanted to study people in their prime: social psychology focuses on situation-specific behaviors, especially those that affect common humanity. Free will: the individual alone has control over personal behavior. Libertarians- people who believe you have personal freedom over your life: determinism: no free will- everything is determined for you. Events are shape and governed by forces beyond control of the individual. Sigmund freud was a determinist- believed that your subconscious controls your mind: rationality vs irrationality: passionate or logical, optimism vs. Vary the quantity or the quality of the variable. Example: you are testing a hypothesis that states that a schizophrenia antipsychotic medication at 30mg for two months would help psychotic episodes.