PSYCH 10000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stanford Prison Experiment, Fundamental Attribution Error, Psy

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Document Summary

Psy 103-02 introductory psychology: preparation guide for exam 1. Chart your progress by placing a check mark beside each goal as you progress through the course. I know the definition of modern western psychology. I understand the four goals of psychology. I know the different approaches to studying psychology and the different topic areas in. I understand the relation of scientific psychology to common sense. I have reviewed on my own the challenge topic : should you major in psychology? (pp. Chapter 2: scientific methods in psychology definitions are of critical thinking. I understand how to think critically about research and am familiar with common human errors. I understand what theories and hypotheses are. I know what two types of variables (independent, dependent) are and what operational. I am familiar with what placebos are and why they are used. I know what three different types of correlations are (positive, negative, and zero)