HSCI 301 Final: Final Exam Study Guide

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Chapter 17: understand the stages of htn and blood pressures associated with each stage. Stage 2: over 160/100: understand the complications of persistent htn. Hypertensive nephropathy (kidney failure: understand the difference between rapid regulation and long term control of blood pressure, and the influence on the autonomic nervous system. Baroreceptors are in charge of moment-to-moment control of hr, renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system is in charge of long term regulation. Long term control of bp by controlling blood volume. Kidneys release renin due to reduced bp & sympathetic stimulation of beta 1 receptors. Moa: blocks ne & epinephrine to decrease foc = decreased bp, blocks renin release. Bad side effects: messes (cid:449)ith lipid (cid:373)eta(cid:271)olis(cid:373) = de(cid:272)(cid:396)eased hdl(cid:859)s (cid:894)good(cid:895) a(cid:374)d i(cid:374)(cid:272)(cid:396)eases triglycerides (bad) Blocks ca2+ channels in cardiac muscle and smooth muscle of coronary & peripheral arteries. Ace inhibitor: stops angiotensin 1 from being converted to angiotensin 2: decreases angiotensin 2 = vasodilation, decreases aldosterone = decreased blood volume = decreased bp.