MUSC 1406 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Magnus Liber, Organum, Roman De Fauvel

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Ars nova: new art ; claimed to be written by de vitry; included the introduction of note values (duple and breve), motets, treble-dominated songs, controversial changes, isorhythmic motets. Ars subtilior: replaced ars nova and intermingled red and black notes and caprices; had the song in the shape of a heart; Isorhythm: same-rhythmic patterns; color- repeating melodic pattern; talea- repeating rhythmic pattern, and hocket (two different voices trading rests) Rhythmic modes: the basic unit was perfectio and was divided into three (the holy trinity); and there were 6 rhythmic patterns (in the textbook) Leonin: wrote the magnus liber organi (great book of organum); organum settings of solo portions of chant; in florid and discant styles; clausulae in discant (clausulae is self-contained sections) Perotin: more discant and substitutional technique; more tenors (original melodies of the chant) in rhythmic mode; tenors often were repeated; triple and quadruple organum.