ADM JUS 5 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Inter-Rater Reliability, Content Validity, Face Validity

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The specification of conceptual definitions serves as a specific working definition and also: focuses observational strategy. In general, whenever researchers are concerned that measures obtained through coding may not be classified reliably, they should: perform an interrater reliability test. In research, the process of regarding something as real (such as crime seriousness) when it is not is called: reification. The assignment of grades by the professor to major research papers is an example of: validity. A lower-level measure cannot be converted to a higher-level one: true. Reliability is measuring what you think you are measuring: false. The study of food-buying habits where researchers were interested in learning whether people who drank wine ate healthier foods than people who drank beer is a good example of: face validity. Content validity refers to: the degree to which a measure covers the range of meanings included within the concepts. The process of developing operational definitions is known as: operationalization.