PSYC 110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Statistical Inference, Richard Dawkins, Type I And Type Ii Errors

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Method of loci/memory palace: a method of memory enhancement which uses visualizations with the use of spatial memory, familiar information about one"s environment, to quickly and efficiently recall information (founded in greece 500 bc) Metacognition: knowing what you know and knowing what you don"t know. Elaborative encoding: a mnemonic that relates to-be-remembered information to pre- existing memories and knowledge. Structuralism: a method of interpretation and analysis of aspects of human cognition, behavior, culture, and experience that focuses on relationships of contrast between elements in a conceptual system that reflect patterns underlying a superficial diversity. Functionalism: why we do what we do and what adaptive purpose does that serve. Psychoanalytic theory: sigmund freud; the unconscious is the part of the mind that operates outside conscious awareness. Humanistic psychology: positive potential of human beings is assumed. Cognitive psychology: emphasis on mental processes and how they influence behavior. Heuristics: enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves.