BSC 2086 Study Guide - Final Guide: Play Therapy, Behavioral Medicine, Biofeedback

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What are the corrective, transformative, and adaptational models of psychotherapy. Transformative- psychodynamic- past existential-future: attempt to change behavior but not necessarily change the entire person. Cognitive behavior- corrective: correcting deficiency someone may have. Eclectic therapies- electing the best treatment for a given client based on empirical data from studies of similar clients: therapist looks towards the empirical lit after diagnosis for treatment. Integrative therapies: blends techniques in order to create an entirely new hybrid form of therapy, can be combine elements of psychoanalytic, cognitive behavioral, humanistic, etc into a personal therapy style depending on the clients needs. Working alliance- having a positive patient therapist relationship. You don"t adhere to one single type of therapy. Maturity- always be the grown up in the room. Interpersonal skills- be able to converse comfortably with your patients. Diagnostic skills- sizing up the client to be able to diagnose properly. Must know if problem is new or ongoing.