HSC 2400 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Chest Pain, Congenital Heart Defect, Airway Management

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If a person is responsive and showing signs and symptoms of a life-threatening condition, but does not give consent for you to help. Do not give care, but instead call 911. The steps to follow in an emergency are. Some situations in which you would call 911 a person is having chest pain, trouble breathing, or is unresponsive. An unusual sound, odor, or witnessing unusual behavior. When wearing latex-free disposable gloves, you should. Avoid touching other surfaces, change gloves between caring for individuals, and wash hands before removing gloves. At least 5 seconds, but no more than 10 seconds. Someone collapses in front of you and is not responsive or breathing. Have someone call 911 and get an aed and first aid kit while you begin cpr. When giving a rescue breath, you should. Blow in for 1 second and make the chest clearly rise. Some causes of cardiac arrest in children.