PHI 2100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Streptococcal Pharyngitis, Ad Hominem, Big Tobacco

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16 Aug 2017

Document Summary

Ad hominem dismisser begins with premise(s) about a person"s character or status, and infer from this that the person is untrustworthy or unreliable. Ex: the main support for tax reductions comes from people who pay taxes, so their views can"t be a reliable indicator of what the best policy is. Genetic fallacies an argument that begins from a premise about the source or origin of a belief and infers form this that the belief is false. Ex: humans beings only believe in god because of a subconscious desire for a cosmic father figure. Ex: you believe x is true because your parents/teachers/church told you. Appeal to authority an authority as we"ll understand the term is a person or institution with a privileged position with respect to certain information. Ex: a doctor that i spoke to looked at my throat and told me that i probably have strep throat.