POS 2041 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Connecticut Compromise, Supermajority, Supremacy Clause

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Document Summary

Institutions and procedures through which a territory and its people are ruled. The conflict over the leadership, structure, and policies of governments. Is not shared evenly, but the federal government has the final say. Increased the american trust in the government from 44% to 56%. Department of homeland security was added to the cabinet. September 11, 2001 and its effect on the cabinet and the american people. The greek words where democracy comes from and its meaning. We the people with demands and supports (money) The ability of the people to influence government and politics. People have low political knowledge and usa has the worst voter turnout. Issues concerning political apathy and being a good citizen. Basic foundation of who shows up to vote. Biggest voter turnout in america comes from 55 year old white males. Role of political involvement/activity and age, income, and education. American core political values and the conflicts that have occured.