[CJL 3510] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 31 pages long Study Guide!

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Private attorneys: criminal defense attorneys, civil attorneys. What is required (on the books: verbal and written communication, listening, compassion, patience. What is taught (action: verbal and written communication, verbal and written communication, adversarial, efficiency and zeal. Major characteristics: broad discretion, part of the executive branch of government (as opposed to the judicial, officer of the court (because they are also a lawyer- they have a duty to see that justice is done) Immune from civil lawsuits when acting as courtroom advocates: the most powerful official in the criminal. 14 years on death row: prosecutor deliberately withheld evidence that might have led to thompson"s acquittal. Investigator found that thompson couldn"t have committed the robbery. Question raised regarding da"s office paying for egregious prosecutorial misconduct: federal jury held office liable. Das enjoy only qualified immunity for other actions. The court unanimously held that statements made in a news conference were not protected by absolute immunity.