INR 3003 Study Guide - Final Guide: Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, Tactical Nuclear Weapon

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Additional terms: balance of terror, first strike, second strike capability, nuclear triad, balance of capabilities, mutual vulnerability, icbm, sdi. Militant jihadism to international terrorism: afghan war 1979-1989, deobandi fundamentalism, presence in pakistan and afghanistan, ties to wahhabism, taliban, mujahedeen, support of al qaeda, role of the us, how widespread is extremist islam, evidence of dissent, ex. Arab spring: threatened groups, back to the question: (cid:498)why do they hate us? (cid:499, why terrorism, intentions f terrorism, asymmetrical warfare, demonstration effect, transnational terrorism. Are they criminals: problems of using psychology and criminology to understand terrorists, rethinking who is a terrorist, terrorism conclusion. Worldwide arsenal of nuclear weapons, yet no one is using them even though we(cid:495)ve all been in constant small wars sine wwii. Non-nuclear weapon destruction: firebombing in wwii in dresden and. Tokyo kills ~ 120,000 people: daisy cutter: bomb used in vietnam and afghanistan that could clear entire forest.