HUN-1201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gastric Acid, Intestinal Villus, Soy Milk

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Document Summary

What nutrients do we need: water not a micro or macro nutrient, inorganic, minerals simplest nutrients, inorganic, vitamins organic, carbohydrates organic, proteins organic, contain nitrogen, lipids (fats) organic. Micronutrients vitamins, minerals, facilitate energy production, body needs small amounts. Macronutrients energy yielding (provide calories: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, body needs large amounts. Body composition women have a higher essential fat mass for reproduction: men have a higher lean body mass more muscle. Alcohol not a nutrient, toxin, shifts metabolism that makes body more likely to store fat: 7 cal/g. Energy density amount of nutrients provided w/ same amount of calories. Empty calories calories that do not provide micronutrients: fiber helps you stay full empty calories do not! Vitamins: 13 organic vitamins facilitate energy release. Almost every bodily action requires assistance from vitamins: vulnerable to destruction. Heat (as from cooking), light and chemicals frozen vegetables actually retain most of their vitamin composition.