HUN-1201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Collagen, Thiamine, Isoleucine

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The scientific study of food and how much it nourishes the body and influences health. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins micronutrient: needed in relatively small amounts to support normal health and body functions. 3. fat soluble vs. water soluble vitamins fat soluble: not soluble in water ex. Vitamins a, d, e, and k water soluble: soluble in water ex. Vitamin c and b vitamins: energy yielding nutrients. Explain the components of the dri (ear, rda, ai, ul, eer, amdr). Apply to healthy people only; do not apply to people with diseases or those who are suffering from nutrient deficiencies. They identify the amount of a nutrient needed to prevent deficiency diseases in healthy individuals, but consider how much of a nutrient may reduce the risk for chronic diseases. Ear (estimated average requirement): the average daily nutrient intake level estimated to meet the requirement of of healthy individuals in a particular life stage or gender group.