PSY 3213C Midterm: Research Methods Exam 2

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12 Nov 2018

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Etc: these questions can be answered by Types of questions on surveys and polls: forced choice questions (aka forced alternative questions) The respondent must often select between two alternative responses. No opinion and not sure are not options. Forced-choice questions can be formatted like this (from narcissistic. ___i really like to be the center of attention. ___ it makes me uncomfortable to be the center of attention. 2. ___ i am going to be a great person. ___ i hope i am going to be successful: yes-no questions (type of forced-choice format) Respondent answers either yes or no to the items. Do you approve of the job the president is doing: multiple-choice questions (another type of forced-choice format) The respondent must select the most suitable response from among several alternatives. I have never been to the library building: advantages of forced-choice format questions: More efficient and less time consuming than open-ended questions for collecting data.