ANTH 1200 Final: PA Exam 3 / Final

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Exam 3 (chapters 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) Early members of the genus homo chap. Anatomically modern humans: origins and dispersal chap. Paleo anthropology - study of ancient humans (extinct humans) Hard tissue order of preservation: teeth, jaws, braincase, post cranial bones. Dating of fossils - measuring age of fossils. Relative dating: age of something in relation sot something else (whether older, or younger) Stratigraphy: study or order of rock layers and the sequence of events they re ect. Principle of superposition: lower strata (layers) are older than upper strata. Principle of faunal succession: fossils succeed each other vertically in a speci c order that can be identi ed over wide horizontal distances. Biostratigraphy: fossils in lower strata are older than fossils in upper strata. Absolute dating: actual age estimate in numbers of years. Radiometric dating: radioactive decay of unstable isotopes of elements. Radiocarbon dating (c-14 n-14) - for organic material. Radio-potassium dating (k-40 ar-40) - for inorganic material.