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Eukaryotes contain organelles: species are grouped into three domains: archaea, bacteria, and eukarya, archaea and bacteria: unicellular organisms. 58: eukarya: protists, multicellular plants, fungi, animals, steps in the scientific method, make observations, ask a question. f. Form a hypothesis: design and conduct an experiment. In a controlled experiment, the variable is kept the same. There is a control group and experimental group: variables a. b. independent variable: variable that is changed dependent variable: variable that is measured, in comparative experiments, we cannot control the variables/identify them. We gather and compare data from different sample groups. Chapter 2: all matter is composed of atoms. Each atom consists of a nucleus made of protons (+), and neutrons, surrounded by electrons (-). The two poles, or ends, have partial charges: ions are electrically charged particles that form when atoms gain or lose more than one or more electrons. a. b. c. cations: positively charged ions anions: negatively charged ions.