GEOG 111- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 74 pages long!)

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4 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Geog 111 - lectures one + two - week of 8/29. Tsunami"s, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes have regular paths and patterns. Today issues with resource scarcity, degraded soil water and air, as well as overall global climate change. High concentrations of people in places prone to natural disasters. Physical geography -- spatial study of all the physical elements and processes that make up the environment. Five themes of geographic inquiry: location, region, place, movement, human-earth. All five themes are spatial in nature. Geography divided into physical and human, both forms are interdisciplinary and holistic. Systems theory: any organized, interrelated set of objects that is distinct from the surrounding environment and is linked by flows of energy and matter. Atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere: four interconnected spheres that make up environment. Systems can be open or closed, many in geo open, can be affected by feedback loops.