EAS 1600 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shield Volcano, Mount St. Helens, Himalayas

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When the platform shakes, the paper moves while the weight remains vertical. Seismograms tell us 3 things: earthquake location, earthquake size, ea(cid:396)th"s i(cid:374)te(cid:396)(cid:374)al st(cid:396)u(cid:272)tu(cid:396)e a(cid:374)d (cid:272)o(cid:373)positio(cid:374) Travels only through solids (not through fluids) P-waves travel faster than s-waves, so p-waves show up first. Amplitude - maximum height of wave from equilibrium. The intensity of an earthquake can be inferred based on the amplitude. Nomogram uses amplitude of s-wave and the distance from the epicenter to find the magnitude of the earthquake. Change in 1 unit in magnitude increases the maximum amplitude by a. Factor of 10, so the scale is exponential. O (cid:1005) u(cid:374)it is (cid:1005)(cid:1004) ti(cid:373)es, (cid:1006) u(cid:374)its is (cid:1005)(cid:1004)(cid:1004) ti(cid:373)es, et(cid:272) (cid:894)math problem) Need 3 or more seismometers in different locations to triangulate the location of an epicenter. Tsunami produced by displacement along an undersea fault during an earthquake, volcanism, or landslide.