MGT 3659 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: G2 Phase

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This video with bill mitchell, the director of mit"s smart cities group, discusses the difficulty of getting the government, public corporations, and private entities to work together on large- scale issues such as urban transportation. It covers some government, university, and corporate partnerships and discusses different approaches to common problems around the globe. This activity tests your familiarity with section 8. 2 on boundaries of the firm and your understanding of learning objective 8-3. The textbook looks at the choices for firm or market organization. It then reviews the continuum of strategic alliances that are available on the make-or-buy continuum: professor mitchell mentioned that america"s large cities are very complex to manage. What is one feature of paris that he credits for helping get this done (something that is absent in many other cities): strong top-down management, professor mitchell mentioned that transportation issues require cross-disciplinary academic teamwork to be successful. Reaching out into the market for these relationships can bring benefits.