CJ ST 484- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 51 pages long!)

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What are the essential counseling process basics that a therapist of correctional counselor needs to poses and why (there are four of them) Please identify and explain the key elements of classification and assessment is identified by travis and latesa (there are 10 of them) Distinguish between the risk principle and the needs principle and the responsitivity principle. Please describe how is each important to correctional treatment efforts: risk principle, needs principle, responsitivity principle, general: large scale, specific population, specific: non-criminogenic needs that are specific to the individual. Utilize a process: communication and timing pg 8-10, body language and style of communication, know when to talk to someone about a particular issue, effective risking pg. 11: developing communication and relationship, therapeutic intention and outcome pg 12, professional humility pg 13-14, listening to understand. Static assessments: measured factors are set and do not change much over time (criminal history, age predictable, marital predictable process in and out,