CHEM-C 127 Study Guide - Final Guide: Reagent, Titration, Casein

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20 Jul 2016

Document Summary

6 experiments: milk separation, calcium in milk & oj, bioanalytical spectroscopy, kinetics, equilibrium, aspirin. 120 pts; will try to have around 20 per experiment. Format will be same as midterm exam. Question/answer: aspirin- if a compound is pure, expect to see single spot above where you put the compound on the. More than 1 spot indicates more than 1 distinctly different mixed compounds. Compound smearing up the plate indicates impurity: kinetics- reactant in excess: plotted vs. time, milk- adding acid and heating in separation 1: When concentration of 2-butene doubles, rate of reaction doubles. 0. 010 m solution of iodine is reacted with large excess of 2-butene and [(cid:1835)(cid:2870)], ln[(cid:1835)(cid:2870)], and (cid:2869)[2] were ln[(cid:1835)(cid:2870)] is linear; first-order with respect to iodine. Acid (containing (cid:1834)+) reacting with side groups makes casein neutral, no longer hydrophilic; Heating increases temperature, increases rate of reaction. Reaction was acid/base- casein acted as base, added acetic acid.