PSY-P 102 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Edward C. Tolman, Operant Conditioning Chamber, Conditioned Taste Aversion

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Reinforcement: occurs when stimulus/ event: what is the time-out from positive follow operant and increases likelihood of operant being repeated. Involves following operant with addition of reinforcing stimulus, response is strengthened because something is added/ presented ex) backhand return (operant) is low & fast so coach yells excellent (reinforcing stimulus) . Varies person to person, situation to situation, ex) stickers to little kids. * only way to test is event is stimulus is direct testing. Involves reinforcing successively closer approximations of a behavior until the correct behavior is displayed ex) 1st reinforce rat w/ food pellet when it moves to half of skinner box where bar is, other responses ignored. Believed that cognitive processes played role in complex behaviors, even in lowly lab rat: cognitive processes could not be observed directly but can still be experimentally verified and inferred by careful observation of outward behavior.