GEOL 21062 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Geologic Hazards, Environmental Geology, Chasing Ice

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Italicized words are those you should be able to define. Bold-faced terms are associated with a graph or figure that you should be prepared to discuss and perhaps draft. This study guide is just that, not a contract. Your class notes are your ultimate study guide. Describe the concerns of classic and contemporary environmental geology. What was the court"s decision about teaching intelligent design in a public school. Population growth - be prepared to describe the trend of global population growth. Understand that exponential growth can occur at a constant interest rate", while displaying an accelerating growth in. Use the rule of 72 to estimate doubling times and interest rates. What do you think of the statement that human population growth is the root cause of environmental degradation? . Note the eons and eras and the boundaries between them. Appreciate that time intervals are related to the distribution of life on earth.