PSYC 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Unconscious Mind, Twin, Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence

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9 May 2015

Document Summary

Psyc 001 -- study guide for exam iii. When: tuesday april 8 from 9:20-10:35 where: pa 101. Intelligence: an inferred characteristic of an individual, usually defined as the ability to profit from experience, acquire knowledge, think abstractly, act purposefully, or adapt to changes in the environment. Psychometric view: intelligence is a mental capacity that can be understood by analyzing performance on mental test. Inter-rater reliability: getting the same result no matter who gives the test. Test-retest reliability: getting the same result when the person is retested later: validity: how well a test measures what it is supposed to measure. The history of intelligence testing (galton, binet, and wechsler) Galton created a test that failed to connect physical and intellectual abilities . Binet and student simon created the first successful intelligence test- determined mental age of a child- mentally gifted/retarded . Binet simon test adapted into american culture and became the stanford binet test-