ANSC 4045 : Quiz 4 With Answers

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Name: what hormone released from the follicle stimulates the preovulatory leuteinizing hormone surge? (2 points) Include the effect on both gonadotropins. (2 points) Inhibits follicle stimulating hormone release, no affect on leutenizing. Hormone or gonadotripin releasig hormone: how many follicular waves occur during each estrous cycle in the cow? (1 point) 2 or 3: what pituitary hormone provides the primary stimulus for follicular development during the following stages? (2 points) Give an example of a species where this occurs. (3 points) Copulation is required for ovulation to occur/ovulation occurs following copulation/ovulation is stimulated by copulation (2 points) Rabbit, ferret, cat, mink, camelid (1 point: what two cell types present in the follicle undergo luteinization after ovulation to form luteal tissue? (4 points) Theca interna cells: a) does progesterone have a negative or positive feedback effect on. Negative: how does progesterone affect the myometrium of the uterus during the luteal phase? (1 point)