ANTH 1001 : BROPHY EXAM I Review Sheet Anthropology 1001 With Answers

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

What is anthropology: the study of mankind in all times and places. What makes anthropology different from other social science fields: usually studies "other cultures", does fieldwork (participant observation), comparative discipline, and holistic. Ethnocentrism the belief that one race/culture is at the center (most important) of other races/cultures. Name and define the four major subfields: cultural anthropology : study of customary patterns in human behaviour, thoughts, and feelings. [shared, learned, transmitted beliefs] also describes, analyzes, interprets, and explains social & cultural similarities and differences: archaeology: study of human cultures through the recovery, analysis, and interpretation of material culture from past civilizations. Historic, prehistoric and culture resource, ethno-archaeology, nautical archaeology: linguistic anthropology : study of language; allows people to preserve and transmit details of their culture from generation to generation, biological/physical anthropology : systematic study of humans as biological organisms. What are some examples of each: listed above. Explain how all four of the subfields can be considered anthropology: o.