BIOL 1001 : Exam 3 Review Sheetbio

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Extrinsic: doing something because the outcome is from something in the world, maybe you get a prize. Safety needs: safe, secure, and stable. Belongingness and love needs: to be loved, accepted, avoid loneliness. Esteem needs: need for recognition from others, independence, and self-esteem. Example: a food deprived person who smells baking bread (incentive) feels a strong hunger drive. Part of drive reduction theory: what is the yerkes-dodson curve, performance is related to arousal. Fraternal: two eggs release at once and fertilized by separate sperm. How would babies with the different attachment styles react in. Intimacy vs. isolation: they either feel socially isolated or struggle with close relationships. Middle adult: 40"s to 60"s: generativist vs. stagnation, discover a sense of contribution to world through kids or work, or may feel a lack of purpose. What order are they in: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Prejudice: unjustifiable attitude towards a group and its members.