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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Social host liability case: while people are at your home you have to make sure no ill comes to them that you could"ve easily corrected. In la as in many states there is social host immunity: you cannot be sued if the person who hurt someone driving while intoxicated is of age. Sabrina was a minor, texas has a statute as do many states that makes it criminally negligent to make alcohol available to a minor. Too much to drink, drove home died in single car accident. Parents lost 17 yr old daughter sabrina when she went to a party of freezenhon. Not a criminal case, no evidence of charges (no government official involved) The parents initiated the law suit civil suit. Civil law suit: matter between 2 private citizens initiated by one of them in the form of a complaint. Complainer plaintiff (want pmt for damages/relief for a loss) ryans (sabrina"s parents)